Happy birthday, Love

My husband is turning 34 today. He’s the most fascinating person that I’ve ever met. I’d never have thought someone could be so different than me, and yet have so much in common. We learn from each other every day, and neither of us wants to ever stop learning.

Artur knows that life can be filled with love, passion, and purpose and won’t settle for any less. While I’m wondering what my passion or purpose should be, he’s just out there, swimming in a cold mountain stream, woodworking, or hacking another home automation system, with this unmistakeable look in his eye. His pure joy, awe, and playfulness are contagious, and inspire all of our friends and family.

What I love most about Artur is that he’s not afraid to dream big. He knows barriers and obstacles are illusory, and won’t hesitate to reach out for the seemingly impossible. When a book he recommended asked how my dream life would look like, I checked his bucketlist a few times and thought, maybe I can just co-sign it underneath? I knew I wanted to marry this guy even before we were dating.

Artur has a solid grasp on reality, which gives him the power to shape it. He’s not afraid to challenge his most deeply-held beliefs when experience contradicts them. He’ll always keep asking ‘why?’ until he gets solid evidence of how things actually work, even if he really wishes they worked differently.

I have a lot to learn from my husband

I’m not sure if he even knows what it is. Just like a fish won’t tell you much about water, Artur is so naturally immersed in his beautiful way of being that he won’t even notice there’s anything worth mentioning.

It takes a terrified scuba diver plunging into this world to describe how different it is from what most people think. And as scary as it is, Artur inspires me to be that scuba diver over and over again, and discover the treasures that lie underneath.

On his birthday, I’d bring him the Moon and Stars

But I know he’s great at taking care of his needs. So instead of buying him another course or fun time that might not fit into his perfectly planned calendar, I decided to donate $100 / month on his and mine behalf each to a cause we both believe in–the wonderful magazine for girls that I cooperate with.

The technology that made it possible is all his. He’s been working relentlessly for months as a team of one, figuring out everything from database relations to marketing copy. One thing that might bring him even more joy than working on this project is seeing it used for a good purpose.

So here it is. Y’all are welcome to join and participate in this gift.

Happy birthday, my Moon and Stars.

I love you.

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